Professor Raj Persaud (author of "The Motivated Mind") said that true confidence comes from an attitude where you: "promise yourself, no matter how difficult the problem life throws at you, that you will try as hard as you can to help yourself. You acknowledge that sometimes your efforts to help yourself may not result in success, as often being properly rewarded is not in your control."
Confidence is probably the most difficult feeling to achieve. But once you get it, there ain't no stoppin you now. Confidence gives you the ability to laugh, to flirt, to cry, to scream, to run, to hike, to work out, to study. If YOU don't believe in yourself, who will?? If YOU are not confident in yourself and your abilities, how can anyone else look at you and be?? YOU ATTRACT WHAT YOU FEEL WITHIN. If YOU feel great about yourself, it will attract other people towards you, no matter what you look like, talk like, think like, dress like.
Stand tall. Believe in yourself. If you start to do that, other people will start to feel it. And YOU will start to feel it, too. And just because you are confident most days, does NOT mean you have to be confident ALL days. It's OKAY to cry, to be upset, to feel down on yourself. Just make sure you can look at yourself in the mirror and understand Everything's okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
There are SO many things to be confident about. The way you write, the way you drive. If you're a good cook. If you study hard and get good grades. If you DONT study hard and STILL get good grades (I hate those people). If your butt looks great in certain jeans. If you are good at golf. If you are in recovery and struggling, but making it one day at a time. If you're good at your job. If you're bad at your job but just don't care.
I am confident about my laugh, as annoying and loud as it may be. I am confident about my brain, as much as I believe I have a slight memory loss (and anxiety). I am confident with my cooking, even though some people beg to differ (no soup for you). I am confident with my outfits, no matter how many colors I choose to have on in one day. What are YOU confident about????