
What's Love Got To Do With It????

What's love got to do,
got to do with it??

Why are there beautiful girls running around with idiots?? Who don't return their calls? And don't bring them out to dinner? And don't want to meet their friends or family, and are just boring lame guys? What the heck are these girls sticking around for???
It ain't love, honey. It's insecurity. If you were secure enough, you would'nt even give this kid the time of day. You wouldn't even give off the aura to let him approach you for your number. If it's not an instant, great connection....let it go. Contrary to what you may have heard, love is not something that you should be working very hard for. It should be easy. Friendly. Cute. Laid back. Someone to talk to and listen to and eat pizza with and watch movies. Maybe argue over the remote control. Not fighting and jealousy, and waiting and wondering.
If you are stuck in a dead end relationship that you know isn't going anywhere, leave it. YOU WILL FIND SOMEONE ELSE. Trust me. No one reading this is the sister to the Elephant Man. I KNOW you all have one head, two ears, and two beautiful eyes. Someone will see that, and someone will love that. Someone will APPRECIATE that. But they might not have the chance to even know it's there if you stay stuck in a relationship that is going absolutly nowhere. Leave it. Do your own thing. It's hard at first, you think "a stupid relationship is better than nothing at all". But once you cut those ties lose, you will wish you did it months before. IT GETS EASIER.
A young couple both getting married for the first time have a 40% chance of divorce. Somethin to think about.
Does anyone else know girls like this?? ARE you a girl like this?? What do you think?