
Smelling the Roses

As I am rounding the corner to finishing up my Masters, my classmates & I realized something (better late than never, right?) How often do you actually stop and smell the roses?

In hectic times like these, we are constantly running...running to work, running home to change, running to the gym where we are literally running, running to take care of our kids, of our house, running to meetings, running out of time. While it's going on, we complain about how busy we are, how crazy we feel, and how non-stop our life is at the moment.

But, like magic, once it all slows down we are left standing with the rest of the world buzzing right by us. All of a sudden we look back at that "crazy time" and think... Wow, well THAT was a good experience.

When that happens to me, which it does all the time, I always wish that I had appreciated it WHILE it was happening. I wish I had stopped, looked around, & took a few moments to smell the roses. I encourage everyone to slooooooow down. Keep your eyes, your ears, and your heart wide open. Take it all in. This is YOUR LIFE. It only happens this once. Live, breathe, love....and keep running forward.