You Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously.
Life can go by in the blink of an eye. At times you can be totally relaxed and have everything in check, and then all of a sudden life goes from fun to TOTALLY overwhelming. Especially if you are working, or going to school, or taking care of a child, or just trying to take care of YOU. At those frustrating times, you might notice you start to be very hard on your self. You may start to feel anxious, stressed out, and upset.
But you have to remember...
Who cares?????
No one is putting that pressure on you, you are putting it on yourself. No one has too high of expectations for you, you have them for yourself. Sometimes when life seems to be flying by too fast...STOP. And look around. Be grateful for what you have, and who you are. Work hard, but do not put too much pressure on yourself. No one else is. It is healthy to have goals and boundaries, but be a little lenient sometimes. Cut yourself some slack. YOU ARE WORKING HARD!!!! Keep your head up and your dreams close to your heart, but realistic.
You got this, kid.