Alright, guys. Now that it is getting semi-nicer out again, it's time to start getting yourself in shape. Physically, mentally, literally. I know I am totally guilty of eating whatever I want and staying in and watching TV all winter and now have developed some what of a winter coat on myself. It sucks when you start to see thinner, tan people wearing great Spring outfits. You don't have to be skinny and tan, but you can be HAPPY and COMFORTABLE with yourself, wearing that outfit, and sporting that smile, too!!!!
The easiest (slash hardest) thing to do is hit the gym. Go for a walk outside. Do some push ups. Check out an On Demand work out (they rule!!). Go to the grocery store and start eating healthier (doesn't have to always be healthY, just healthiER). You do not have to re-arrange your entire life, but you NEED to start moving. You also do NOT need to exercise every single day. Your body will get worn out and your muscles will stop developing after a while. Take your time, ease in to it, be consistant with it.
Buy some books and lay outside. That thing you always wanted to start writing?? Write it. You need to get your brain moving, also. For a list of great books to read, check out my Must Read books on the right hand side of the blog.
Once you start moving you will feel in SUCH better shape, in a better mood, and your body and brain will feel more awesome all around. I KNOW it's a hard first step, but once you make that leap you will find it does a body good!!!!