I have the coolest thing to show you!
Follow this website to a link of free, YES, completely free substance abuse and mental health books. TOTALLY, COMPLETELY FREE. There is a list of all different subjects and topics. ANY SINGLE ONE that catches your eye, you can add to your cart and it will be mailed to you within a few weeks. GENIUS!!!
I have ordered a bunch for my program for school, and also for my personal life to be the beeeest therapist I can be :)
CHECK IT OUT!!!!! It's AWESOME!!!!! You're welcome!!!!!!
Follow this website to a link of free, YES, completely free substance abuse and mental health books. TOTALLY, COMPLETELY FREE. There is a list of all different subjects and topics. ANY SINGLE ONE that catches your eye, you can add to your cart and it will be mailed to you within a few weeks. GENIUS!!!
I have ordered a bunch for my program for school, and also for my personal life to be the beeeest therapist I can be :)
CHECK IT OUT!!!!! It's AWESOME!!!!! You're welcome!!!!!!